Friday, July 15, 2011

Little Kendra Brooke Turns 3!!!

 Good Morning Birthday Girl!!
 Posing for a picture with her yearly birthday number shirt! That's quite some hair going on there girl!
 Blowing out her candle on the pitiful little cake I made her(she also had cupcakes at her little party so we didn't have a big cake).
 Clowning around with her big brother!
 Her big birthday gift--a dollhouse!!
Kendra at 5 days old--she looks a bit different now! But she will always be my baby girl! Happy Birthday to my little girl with a gigantic personality--you are fiesty, fun, full of humor(I adore your laugh!), silly, a MAJOR Drama Queen, whiny(especially without a nap!), smart, talkative, sweet, girly, beautiful, friendly and generally wonderful and amazing! I love you more than words can say! You are a LOT of work but worth every minute! I'm so blessed that I'm your Mommy!